Dressing Tips For a Pitch

Hello people, did you miss me? had the best week last week, it was enjoyment overload for me. Had this presentation and I did really well.

I know my slides were great but honestly, I think my dressing the the magic.

So here’s me giving you tips on how to dress well for a Pitch and of course get the full attention of your audience.

First off, know and understand the dressing culture of the organisation you are pitching to and dress accordingly- it gives a sense of belonging.

Also, it’s important that you wear something comfortable.

Do not be overly sexy or wear revealing clothes- you want the right kind of attention you know?

Throw a bright coloured fashion item into your dressing somewhere- either your earrings, your tie, your shoe, or the camisole under your jacket.

Lastly, use a perfume, cologne, spray, infact anything that helps you smell nice.

Have a fantastic weekend

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