Learn long-term shoe storage

Fellow shoe-lovers, how are we doing? Today is day errm 🤔 I lost count already but those pretty babies are on that rack staring at you and I know you return the favour with a few glances every now and then.

While we wait for this virus to be over and the lockdown is lifted, we aren’t sure how long we will have to wait so it’s important we maintain our fashion items to avoid stories that touch o🤔.

Since we are your shoe plug and we love you and ’em shoes genuinely, we’ll be sharing valuable tips on how to store your shoes for a long period of time and keep them from damaging.

It’s a list so sit back, relax and read.

  • You see those gel silica packs you always dump randomly, now is the time to look for them and drop them in either your shoe boxes or bags to prevent dampness. 
  • Arrange and dust them at least twice a week.
  • Avoid wrapping/keeping them in plastic to allow them to breathe. Rather, use nylons, bags or boxes that have holes in them.
  • Do not store wet shoes. If they get either wet or damp, ensure you dry them well before storage.
  • Be sure not to store them in a hot condition.
  • Use shoe trees to prevent folds.

We don’t know how long this will last but we sure know how to protect our shoes from any form of damage for as long as this lasts.

Pls stay safe and remember we are still open for business.