Common Foot Problem & How to Manage Them

Before we go far, this is gonna be a 10-month series and it will drop once every month. In this series, we will discuss a foot problem, the causes, how to prevent, and treat it.

Hoping we are good, I’ll just go right in.

I’m talking about ATHLETE’S FOOT this month.

This is a foot problem caused by a fungus that likes warm, dark, moist environments, it commonly affects the areas between the toes and the bottoms of the feet. It can inflame the skin and cause a white, scaly rash with a red base. Other symptoms of athlete’s foot include itching, burning, peeling, and sometimes a slight odor.

Prevention- You can lower your risk of athlete’s foot (also called tinea pedis) by keeping your feet and toes clean and dry, changing your shoes and socks regularly, and never walking barefoot in public locker rooms and showers.

Treatments- Over-the-counter anti-fungal creams or sprays can be used to treat this infection, and sprays and powders can also be used inside your shoes to destroy any lingering fungus. You may also need to see a doctor and ask about prescription-strength medication.

It’s also important to know that the infection can migrate to other parts of the body if left untreated and It can be transmitted to other people via shared floors, gym mats, towels, and other surfaces.

Thanks for reading.

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