Healthy Lifestyle Tips

Health is wealth but we know wealth is not health- even if we weren’t aware, I’m sure corona has taught us a lot. It’s been one whole week without you and I can’t exactly say the last week was very easy for me but that’s exactly what life is about, you can’t always have it easy. How have you been? I personally think it’s wrong that people are now less cautious, they move around without masks in most areas in Lagos, acting like ‘Rona’ is on break. My people, pls the cases are increasing o and now more than ever is the time to stay as safe as possible.

Back to my health gist, see ehn, if you make healthy living a lifestyle, you won’t be able to relate to alot of the sicknesses people talk about + it’s enjoyable when it becomes a habit.

For a healthy lifestyle, I have few tips that won’t only help you, but you’ll be super helpful to anyone you share this blogpost to.

  1. Balance your diet- stop acting like it’s only rice we have in this country. Mix your meals, if possible, have a timetable in your house.
  2. Balance your diet with a rich amount of carbohydrates
  3. Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables- they are part of the most important foods giving us enough vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Add them to your meal at least 5 times daily. From fruit juice to normal fruits to vegetables.
  4. Cut down on your salt and sugar intake- diseases like high blood pressure, and other cardiovascular diseases will be very far from you if you do this.
  5. Control your meal portions- you don’t have to eat as much as you feel the hunger and you definitely shouldn’t skip meals. Breakfasts shouldn’t be missed, lunch should be served at a very considerable portion and dinner should be very light and early.
  6. Drink a lot of water- Adults need at least 1.5litres of water daily (water not soft drinks please). Take enough water to keep your liver and other vital body parts in check.
  7. Walk, make it a habit- You drive to work, take the elevator at work, sit on your chair all day and drive back home, na wa!!!!. Sometimes ditch the elevator and take the stairs, take a few minutes off work and walk

I’ll stop here so I won’t bore you but I hope you understand all you just read and importantly practice them religiously. Oh! I left out a vital health tip, satisfy your fashion cravings, get yourself a beautiful shoe for your bigfeet from ShoeMiners.